Free Speech Movement 50th Anniversary Photos
October 1, 2014
Cal Progressive Coalition Occupation
"The occupation followed a rally that began at 12 p.m. on Sproul Plaza that celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement. The day's events were organized in part by the Cal Progressive Coalition, which includes individuals from Fossil Free UC, the ASUC and Students for Engaged and Active Learning. About 3:15 p.m., Associate Dean of Students David Surratt and Christine Shaff, director of communications at the campus real estate division, were planning on speaking with the protesters. In particular, the individuals occupying the building demanded the halt of commercial development at the Gill Tract, the release of all documents relating to the tract be released and a meeting with Chancellor Nicholas Dirks, according to Maggie Downey, a UC Berkeley graduate student and spokesperson for the Cal Progressive Coalition. In addition, protesters are demanding that the development of the Lawrence Berkeley Lab National Laboratory's Richmond Bay campus include more student and community voices and that the work currently done there become unionized and meet fair labor standards, Downey said. Update: By 7 p.m., some of the occupiers' demands were met, including the release of Gill Tract documents and a meeting with Chancellor Nicholas Dirks."
photo by David Blackman
photo by David Blackman
photo by David Blackman
photo by David Blackman
photo by David Blackman